The Cultural Summit 2022

The role of art and culture in wartime. The democratic potential and soft power of fiction was up for discussion when we took part in the Cultural Summit on Mors.
The debates gave rise to conversations about the role of art and culture in foreign policy, especially during the major crises of our time. On stage, we discussed with, among others, Peter Viggo Jakobsen, Associate Professor at the Department of Strategy and War Studies, Kasper Holten, Director of the Royal Danish Theatre, and Gry Worre Hallberg, artistic director of the performance group Sisters Hope.
We challenged people from the Danish cultural scene to a quiz on the political and historical influence of Eurovision. We also delved into the power and influence of fiction with author Leif Davidsen, film director Christian Tafdrup and our colleague Julie Arnfred Bojesen from the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House. How can great stories, for better or worse, help shape and mould our perception of the world?
Overall, we had three inspiring days in northern Jutland, where we did our part to emphasise the relevance of art and culture in the 21st century.