The People’s Summit on Bornholm 2022

How do young Ukrainians experience the war with Russia? How big a role do propaganda and misinformation play in the war? How can we use art and culture in times of crisis? How does art shape geopolitical agendas?
The topics of debate were diverse when we participated in The People’s Summit on Bornholm for the first time in 2022. Here we were the partners on ‘The International Stage’, where we curated a programme for and with the international guests at the summit. The topics addressed highly relevant agendas.
The guests for our debates came from many different backgrounds and included the young human rights activists Tatsiana Khomich from Belarus and Olga Aivazovska from Ukraine, Ukrainian Ambassador Mykhailo Vydoinyk, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeppe Kofod (S) and the screenwriter Adam Price.
All the way through, we were accompanied by our colleagues and partners from the New Democracy Fund and the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House.
Thank you to the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DIPD), International Media Support (IMS) and the Danish National Commission for UNESCO for their cooperation.
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