New Amber Exhibition opened in St. Petersburg

Frequently referred to as Scandinavian ‘gold’ this fossilized resin that amber consists of, is best known as a pendant with a silver mount or as a chain of amber stones used as a necklace or bracelet.
The history of amber dates back to ancient Scandinavia and is often also considered old-fashion.
However, in recent years there has been a changed. Many tourists in Denmark are interested in amber as jewellery and it has become something, that attracts people to come to Denmark, much in the same way that H.C. Andersen or the Little Mermaid do.
It is also evident that among the Danes themselves, there is an increasing interest in amber. This has meant that Danish artists have started working with amber as a “new” material for both jewellery and decorative objects. This comes to show in the exhibition “New Amber”.
The artists contributing to the exhibition have different trainings; both as goldsmiths, in arts design and others are working with conceptual art.
The exhibition “New Amber” is to be understood as a reinterpretation of a traditional perception of amber. An idea to how to incorporate amber as either a piece of jewellery or something decorative. The exhibition displays different elements that the artist have created. They are unique pieces that represent the diversity of amber in a contemporary frame.
The New Amber exhibition is presenting a reinterpretation and in a sense reintegrating of amber into a contemporary frame.
The exhibition at Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg is a collaboration with the Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg and Trine Trier, goldsmith and owner of Galleri Bærbart in Copenhagen.
The opening was on the 10th of February 2017, and the exhibition is open until the end of March.
Time and location:
Danish Cultural Institute in St. Petersburg, Nab. Reki Moyki 42. From 10.02.2017 – 31.03.2017 (Monday – Friday 10 am. – 6 pm.)
Photo: Galleri Bærbart.